Cyberharassment – Faces of Racism – Pt 4

We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident

Lessons learned, old lessons remembered……

(Alert.  Some might find the content in the comments of others presented in this article to be offensive.)

Restraining Order Against Piercy Court’s order restraining Mr. Stalker from harassing scrodriguez, directly and indirectly.

Five words I would hear on a regular basis day in and day out when training as an amateur boxer; “Protect yourself at all times.” You hear those words time and time again in the gym, even while hitting heavy bags or doing mitt work. It’s important even during sparring although those sessions are controlled and not as intense as an actual fight.

The idea is to instill that way of thinking into your head so you keep your hands up, keep your head moving and your feet moving, thus reducing the chance of getting caught with a shot you don’t see only to deposit you on the canvas.

It’s the last set of words you…

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Beware of N’s who use mental illness as an excuse to abuse

Lucky Otters Haven


I think those of us ACONs and survivors of narcissistic abuse who post on public blogs that are accessible to anyone need to be very vigilant and careful. I will never make my blog private or require you to sign in first, but due to that decision, I realize I am going to attract MNs and psychopaths whose only desire is to bully, make incendiary and false remarks, and play “divide and conquer” games within the community. I am willing to take that chance because I want this blog to remain as accessible as it is. I want people to feel welcome without having to be “approved” first or having to sign in, because I hate having to sign into any website myself and will usually bypass any site that requires me to do that.

If you’ve been following my posts, I wrote two articles about some drama that was…

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How to face NEGATIVITY

Everyone in their lives has faced negativity whether it was from so called friends, family, at work etc! But we’re going to tell you to how to face NEGATIVITY POSITIVELY! 😃

1. Don’t acknowledged it! Remember misery loves company.

2. Always keep a smile on your face no matter what.

3. Pray for people that are negative because that just shows they’re broken, insecure, hurt etc! So they’re simply acting out.

4. Just continue being YOU because it’s pretty obvious they want something you possess.😊

Remember people that have something negative to say all the time they secretly like you lol. I know it’s pretty weird but it’s true! YOU’RE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT 💁


Why US?

It’s crazy how some things turn out! As far as people you’ve lost throughout your journey that you thought that was for you but in reality they were really plotting against you…Only God knows why people do the things they do & why we go through the things we go through. We’re no longer questioning it we’re just going to accept it because these can be our stepping stones to get us where we need to be… (It doesn’t hurt to wonder) To be continued! 😊


Be Unique!!!!

Often times people of this generation do things to please the next person or follow popular TRENDS. The reasoning behind it is lack of confidence, lack of self worth & several other factors. But let me remind you that you were created to be different & unique… DONT BE AFRAID TO STANDOUT EVEN IF IT MEANS STANDING ALONE ❤️


Never Ending Truths…..

Would you believe it?! If I told you the girl next door is not really who she claim to be? If I told you she was a”mother” of three kids with a job and the power to become (in her mind) at least six other individuals?! Would you believe that the individuals were Both male and female…? Some were close friends. Others were complete strangers …. Portrayed as close cousins ready to be top notch internet villains ? Would you believe it If I told you this one girl with a slight health issue mimicked almost down to the “T” each one of her victims actions of their original lifestyle they lived … Events that took place almost ten years ago, were exposed like they were recent events, that took place no more than two years ago.Impossible way of thinking, right?! Like, why?
Imagine living your life, stressing to become that successful person you’re striving to be, but yet, being mimicked and slandered by complete strangers behind your “professional face.” While you’re in the real world shedding your blood sweat and tears for your “perfect image” your image is yet being what appears to be a miserable slob. What would you do? Would you leave it alone or try to figure out why? Why are individuals approaching me with activities and fantasies I never thought about doing? But at the same time, how do I know they aren’t the one behind all of this? A question that any normal person would ask. I know I would. But the question really is? Why would you want the people you’re portraying to be in harms way. Putting them in situations that involved their families and authorities. Children’s images were being slandered. Families and friends were being stalked and called privately. Young ladies faces and bodies were used for escort services and money banks. Meaning this person used ones image to receive monies from men . Crazy right. Maybe to us, but not the delusional stalker.
While everyone is ignoring this stalker, she seems to keep going. On with this cyber fairy tale of hers. So many events have taken place and the real stalker seems to feed off her fantasy. Once confronted, it got worse Can you imagine the children neglect? Her mother could not believe such things were taken place in her home on her phone lines at her expense. Her daughter is too ill she says, how and when does she have the time?! That’s what she thinks…..
This stalker has courage! There is no way in the world after been caught and confronted by the victims I could keep going on with this. The illness she has May make it seem as if it’s ok. It’s really sickening. the girl next door is not who she appears to be. The girl next door is a lost soul seeking for help with her illness, but doesn’t know how to ask for help … How can you help her?
You can’t. I can’t. This individual is clearly sick in the mind. Rehab doesn’t help her at all. Not even her meds! How do I know all of these things? She clearly stated all the facts through social networks! I mean, who will ever understand the vendetta or whatever she has against her victims! How can one portray the next as being family, but, putting these victims in serious situations that can cause them their professional liscense of their career?!
Angela Renee Thomas of Torrence California is a cyber criminal who needs to be an example of these foolish crimes! There’s no way whatsoever should be time to do all these tricks on the networks when a person has three kids and a husband But lives with their mom! Her poor mother is in her 60s working her ass off because her child decides to do such foolish things with her time! Claiming all of the states funds available by claiming separate income and head of household just to get over! I don’t know about you guys. But my tax dollars shouldn’t be used and abused by individuals with this type of mind frame! Should yours?……
