Angela Renee Thomas is currently deleting tweets on her main Twitter account @AngieSoBlessed_ ! The number of tweets will change frequently but here’s the proof guys! ο»Ώ


Tweets at 4,141 right? Now look at this oneπŸ‘‡


Tweets 2,947????? *raises eyebrow*! If you claim this isn’t you doing this stalking & CyberBullying why are you deleting things? You can’t answer the question because it’s YOU!!!! Delete tweets all you want but we still have the solid proof! Good Day πŸ’


To Our Stalker πŸ‘€ πŸ‘€ πŸ‘€

Just to let you guys know our stalker Angela Renee Thomas is in the process of deleting evidence on the active Twitter accounts she created for herself & the victims involved ever since we broadcasted our blog as expected! But then again we did say she would in our prior post! The Twitter account she is deleting tweets from is her main account which is @AngieSoBlessed_ . The Number of tweets started from 4141& now it’s 2975 (she’s currently deleting tweets while we’re doing this post! The tweet number will change in a few! We’ll keep you posted… SUSPICIOUS RIGHT? Hmmm!!! LITTLE DO SHE KNOW ITS ALREADY TOO LATE πŸ’

C A R R Y ON ‼️



The Life of being Cyber Bullied & Stalked!

ANDDDDD WE’RE BACK!!!!!!!! More Screen Shots of this sick behavior.


That’s Angela Renee THOMAS & her sister Shannon Courtney Thomas as (Ms_Shann) on Twitter CyberBullying & talking about the victim child in a derogatory way calling her a hoe, a bitch, a bastard baby & etc! The victim is @Clac2xclusive. Paris are one of the kids of Angela.


Let us get you up to speed for all those that are tuning in & reading this! It’s a female from Torrance, CA that goes by the name of Angela Renee Thomas! Her Twitter name is (AngieSoBlessed_) Her Instagram is MsAngie2u. I’m pretty sure after all this exposure of her behavior & her sister’s behavior she going to change her names on her social networks because she doesn’t want to get caught! But in our eyes & I’m pretty sure in everyone else’s eyes it will be very suspect & suspicious. Any who she’s been operating 5+ Twitter accounts for 5 years pretending to be people that doesn’t know her or of her in real life! The victims of these accounts that angela created are all related in her head & she knows them. Plot twist to this story is she’s been stalking these people for several years because she knows every detail of these individuals as far as their friends, their personal life, how they dress & how they talk. It’s very sickening & scary & we know she needs help. It took years for us to put things together & realize it’s one sick individual behind these accounts!

The LALex Twitter account which goes by the name of LexSoBlunt is a victim of this sick behavior we actually reached out to her & she was very DEVASTED! This Twitter account is still active as well as the fake facebook profile of her.!

That Jay Twitter account that you see above in that picture collage is the supposed brother of the lex account according to the stalker & everyone is cousins in her head.

The Shann account is her real sister of the stalker Angela Renee Thomas.


Cyberstalking & CyberBullying PT 4


The twitter account (_AngieSoBlessed) was her old account before twitter suspended it due to the behavior her account was displaying. She claims this is not her then who would post personal pictures of you & people you’re with! Once again who would want to do this to you! Her current twitter is (AngieSoBlessed_). Lots of questions but NO ANSWERS

The (Calichicc_) twitter account was also operated by Angela that was the “infamous Jess” the fake name she created for them victim she was pretending to be! Posting pictures & all!

These are more screenshots of the stalker talking to the accounts she created for her victims that’s supposedly her “family” but these people don’t know Angela Renee Thomas! The (AngieSoBlessed_) twitter account is Angela! The (MsShannn) twitter account is Angela’s biological sister Shannon Courtney Thomas!


CyberStalking & CyberBullying PT 3


As you can see in all these screenshots Angela uses the (LexSoBlunt) twitter account she created of the victim to threatened another victim (Clac2xclusive) by her threatening tweets… We believe the 5+ twitter accounts Angela has created are for her different personalities.


In these screenshots Angela talks about another victim (Revella) indirectly as she always do. Angela swears this isn’t her but all the evidence points to her! She hasn’t done anything at all to clear her name.
The twitter account (Miss_d0peness) is another victim the stalker attempts to bully & cyber stalk.

As Angela chooses her victims that she is pretending to be & the victims she is bullying in the process she tends to build her life around theirs. She make their REAL life experiences her own. She make fake Facebook accounts of her victims or she stalks the victims she’s pretending to be ACTUAL social networks & make their life her life! Scary & Twisted huh?



The name that Angela is saying in these screenshots is JESS! She is also a victim! Her name isn’t JESS when we investigated everything! JESS is a fake name that Angela gave the victim she was pretending to be! We know all the victims ACTUAL NAMES but we don’t want to put that information out there! Any who keep looking at the screenshots as we expose this sick behavior.


CyberBullying & CyberStalking PT 2

Angela Renee Thomas claims she doesn’t have social networks but she hasn’t done anything to clear her or her sister’s name Shannon Courtney Thomas! If it isn’t you why haven’t you tried proving yourself after all these years? Who would want to be you & post personal information about your kids & your family? Something isn’t right! Just Saying 😐
Why block people you don’t know if you don’t know what’s going on when asked if you had any knowledge of what’s going on? Someone in your position or your sister’s position would want to know what’s going on & would would to find out who’s doing this to y’all. But you guys haven’t taken that step after all these years… FISHY!!!



Cyber stalking & CyberBullying


The person behind all those twitter accounts displayed in these collages is Angela Renee Thomas which goes by the name of MsAngie2u! She has operated 4+ accounts pretending to be people to bully people online for 5yrs. This individual has 3 kids & she also a herbal life coach in Los Angeles CA! The people you see on these collages are victims of this sick behavior & they have been notified of how she stole all their pictures & sharing their personal life & information online. She don’t know any of these individuals personally!
The twitter accounts that Angela created for victims go by the names of this (LexSoBlunt) which is currently active, (Jay_B_Chilling) which is now changed to (JayB_____) with 5 underscores! Jay & Lex are supposedly brother & sister… & everyone else are just cousins. BUT THEY DONT KNOW EACH OTHER…Anywho (MsBlacc) which is now changed to (RealD0pe__NOT) after being confronted by the person she was pretending to be. Angela changed it to (RealD0pe__NOT) to harass one of the victims currently (Miss_D0peness). There are several other accounts but they’re currently suspended on twitter! Just look at the screen shots!!!

